Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

September Recommendations

'charade' is the real deal for me this month. audrey hepburn, cary grant and paris on blu ray. stanley donen's hitcockian thriller is and will always rate A+ in my book. if you've seen it see it again: if you have not seen it treat yourself. it is simply the best.

the first season of 'glee' is released. if you haven't seen it rent it and get ready for season 2 which premieres on september 21. you owe it to yourself.

and then we have season one of 'the vampire diaries' one of last year's best new tv series. i love it and it scores higher with me than 'true blood'.
season 2 begins on september 9th and i'll be there.

it is shakespere, it has kate winslet and julie christie and it's on blu ray. i need no other reasons to own it. i grant it is primarily a kenneth branagh vanity production but what the hell it still has christie and winslet. enuf said!

you needed a subscribtion to starz to see 'spartacus'. this month you can rent or own it on dvd or blu ray. this was an ambitius project and turned out to be one of the best this past season. i say go for it.

'letters to juliet' is a charmer. it's an ice crean sundae on a summer afternoon. amanda seyfried continues to shine even as vanessa redgrave steals the cherry right off her sundae. what can i say i love this type of film as much as most others when done right. this was done right.

last but not least is the first dvd only release of 1964's 'where love has gone'. based on the king of 60's trash novelist harold robbins novel it is a piece of high camp. for fans of bette davis and or susan hayward it is a must. these were the days of older actresses having to do camp or horror films to work. thank the gods this in no longer true. but as both a hayward and davis fan i can't wait to see them go at it again in living color. as far as camp films go it is an A.

these releases will also be available in september:

'poltergiest' one of the best of it's genre on blu ray.

'tommy' the who's rock musical mainly notable for tina tiurner as the acid queen on blu ray.

'harlow' a carroll baker vehicle that is good 'trashy' fun. it was done better as a carol lynley vehicle at the same time which appears to have disappeared. dvd only.

and of course

the fifth season of 'supernatural' will be released on blu ray and dvd. but for your own sake start at season 1

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